How to get rid of negative thoughts

High performers deal with mistakes differently than under performers, which is in part why they are high performers. High Performers are extremely critical of themselves, but they use their critical evaluation to change and improve, not to beat themselves up with negative thoughts.
This can confuse people because it appears that high performers are really hard on themselves with their thorough self-critiques. Again, the difference is that high performers mobilize their energy to improve themselves rather than beat themselves up thinking negative thoughts. Some high performers learn to get rid of negative thoughts so well that the thoughts are almost nonexistent. Here’s an amazing one-minute video of how Jeremy Bloom, a three-time world-champion freestyle skier turned successful entrepreneur, sharing how he gets rid of negative thoughts. Bloom credits this technique with allowing him to ski to his potential and dominate his sport..
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Become a higher performer, and transform the energy you use thinking negative thoughts into positive energy for change. If you are interested in coaching for stopping negative thoughts and changing them to  positive thoughts, or developing other high-performance mental skills consider engaging a high-performance executive coach.
Here is a powerful four step process to get you started. It takes hundreds even thousands of repetitions to change a thinking pattern that you have had for some years … stay with it…